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Penn State turf management students receive a record number of scholarships in 2024

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Students in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences’ Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program received a record number of scholarships in 2024. The scholarships amount to more than $100,000, which is the highest in the program’s history.

“Our graduating class will be receiving more than $100,000 in scholarships this year, which is about double the amount they typically receive,” said John Kaminski, professor of turfgrass science in the Department of Plant Science and program director. “This is a significant achievement, and we’re excited to see the impact these scholarships will have on students’ futures. We thank the college, individuals, businesses and industry groups for their support.”

Kaminski said the 21 scholarships supporting the program help students combat program expenses and support their transition into the workforce by covering costs such as relocation expenses and necessary equipment. They come from various sources, including industry organizations, college-sponsored funds and foundations established to support a cause or in memory of an individual.

Sixteen students received scholarships this academic year. Kaminski said the recipients expressed gratitude for the financial assistance, highlighting its impact on their education and career readiness.

“I have been extremely fortunate to receive scholarships,” said Student Chase Groelle, who soon will join Shoreacres Golf Course in Lake Bluff, Illinois, as an assistant superintendent. “I am passionate about advancing in the turfgrass industry and dedicated to continuous learning and growth. I thank my family and Penn State for their unwavering assistance and for allowing me to thrive as a student.”

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<p>The post Penn State turf management students receive a record number of scholarships in 2024 first appeared on Golfdom.</p>


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