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Initial. A Review of Medieval Studies 12 (2024)

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Related papersСугуби вијенац краља Стефана Твртка Котроманића : Нова интерпретација / The Double Wreath Crown of King Stephen Tvrtko Kotromanić : A New InterpretationDejan DoslicInitial A Review of Medieval Studies, 2023In this paper, we want to offer a different interpretation of the term do-uble wreath crown: it referred to the honor of the ban and the royal dignity,to which Tvrtko Kotromanić was crowned. As a Bosnian ban, Tvrtko wascrowned with a Serbian crown, in order to rule the Serbian throne, afterwhich his title of ban title seem to have merged into the royal title. This wasTvrtko's initial act, related to his person, his conquests, pretensions and am- bitions, which is why the concept later disappeared, abandoned by both him-self and by his successors. The wreath symbolized the period of adaptationto the new position, marked by the change of the ruling rank, so it did not re- present a special doctrine that was being built among the kings from the Ko-tromanić family, but a st...


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