Newsletter | January 2025
Here we are – we survived another year.
I wish you, the Members and all our Management & Staff, good health for 2025
We as a committee achieved very little in 2024 as the year was spent mainly discussing whether we should rent out the Members Lounge to a restaurant Franchise or not and how we should vote on the changes to the Constitution.
It has split our committee in half as one half believe another restaurant was a good idea and the other half a very bad idea??
Why would the Members want to give away their treasure for very little gain.
It has also divided the Committee with the BOG. It is very sad state of affairs when you are voted in by you the Members to take care of the Club and all that is done is waste a whole year fighting for something that you the members don’t want in the first place.
Work / Projects completed during 2024:
- Golf Cart pathways on the 6th, 7th and the 16th /17th
- Repairs on the 3rd and extended the 2nd pathway
- Pumphouse upgrade completed with new filters, new pipes, new electric cabinets and wiring, new doors and extension on back to house the filters and new generator
- New pre filter installed and started building protective houses over Pump and valves beside Dam
- Installation of Fountain on the 7th Dam
- Halfway house at 10th – cut back all the trees and shrubs. Painted both outside and inside. New work top and new cabinet plus new flooring in kitchen and eating area
- Cultivated new gardens around halfway house
- Upgraded pathway to toilets.
It has been a tough year for Craig and the green keeping staff. As you should all know, we put in a complete new filter system because the old system blew up. It was about 25 years old. The quality of the water we are receiving from Pots Dam is full of rubbish so much so that we have had to put in a pre-filter. This is also blocking up and having to be cleared on a regular basis. With all our Filtering some of the rubbish is still getting through the system and blocking up the sprinklers around the course and when this happens it puts the whole automation system out so they are having to switch the system on by hand and this also means that we are having a person on at night to keep checking for any blockages. Thanks Craig and your team for all your hard work
Here’s hoping that 2025 will be a better year for our golf course and the water supplied will improve
Wishing you all good health
Does anyone know what happened to the 2 oyster catchers that were hatching on the Golf Course last year ?
Just saying………
Mutual manners matter, thanking somebody politely, not taking things for granted. Thanking somebody costs nothing and yet means so much. Sharing and caring must be prioritized as the most important asset.
Happy Golfing
Billy O’Brien
We welcome the following new members
Monthly Golf Fixtures & Results
From the Lady Captain
Wishing all the Lady Members all the very best for 2025. May we be Blessed with Good Health, Happy lives and Better Golfing Days.
The Ladies started the year off with a Big Bang with 24 Ladies playing in our first game for 2025. May we have more like these through the rest of the year.
3 new Lady Members joined Milnerton in January – they are Lesley McDonough, Cornel de Jager and Yvonne Russo. We welcome them fondly into our fold and we look forward to playing Golf with you ladies soon.
Our Lady Members for this year are 108 in total, broken down as follows :
We wish the following Ladies a very Happy Birthday in Feb. Wishes for a beautiful day filled with loads of Love, Joy & Happiness:
- Karien on the 1st,
- Chutchada on the 3rd
- Terry on the 6th
- Ursula on the 9th &
- Brenda Simoen on the 17th
Congratulations goes out to Rachel who got Married last week. Wishing you another 25+ years of sheer bliss with Hubby.
Congratulations to Tanya Williams as well for being selected to represent Milnerton in the WP Country vs Town Event. This takes place on Monday the 17th Feb. Tanya, we wish you everything of the Best.
Well done to Karien for winning her semi-final Match Play at Fan Court. Quite an achievement and we look forward to your Final Game result. Wishing you all the best as well. If anyone can – you can!!
Our February line-up of events will be on the notice board in the Ladies Locker Room. In short here are dates in Feb to diarize:
- Tues 4th First Round Harris Cup – Medal & Putting
- Tues 11th League – ladies not playing league can play Single Stableford
- Tues 18th Second Round Harris Cup – Medal
- Mon 24th WP Silver & Bronze Cup at Milnerton
- Tues 25th League & and we have scheduled 7 Club to play depending on Numbers
We had our First League Match for 2025 on the 21st Jan – it did not go too well for both our 1st and 5th Teams. We can only keep trying and trying.
I did put a poll out on our Social Group – if you wish to play please enter on the Poll.
Wishing everyone a great February and lots of Valentine Roses!!
Judy Rae Teixeira
Lady Captain 2024
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