The Day Will Come (Part Two) - Spirit Daily Blog
From the Michael Brown Q-and-A, The Day Will Come, 1997, on apparitions, locutions, miracles, and prophecies:+How further do we discern supposed seers and the like?+“There are a number of things, besides what we have discussed, to look for.+“There are some intellectual sign posts. A false or low-level locution is often rambling and unexceptional. It goes on too long. It is ‘uneconomical.’ It sounds like it could well be the seer’s personal ideas or musing, a product of the mind’s internal dialogue. Or, it sounds like it may be a mixture of the subconscious with certain inspired ruminations but also the susurrations, the murmurs, of a deceptive spirit.++“There are many gray areas.+“We all have good thoughts and bad thoughts and inspired thoughts. We all hear God and also our own subconscious. It’s very difficult to separate inspirations unless the locution is a powerful one.++“Most locutionists have messages that are low-powered or have been filtered through their personalities and thus...