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Sanitize Your Toothbrushes to Rid Them of Germs and Feces

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I’m going to be blunt. There is airborne feces in your bathroom, and it’s landing on your toothbrush. You are brushing your teeth with poo particles, and the closer your toilet is to your sink, the worse it is. If you find headlines like “Experts Warn Of Fecal-Oral Transmission of Covid-19” to be overly breathless, go straight to the source: There’s peer-reviewed scientific literature about the “toilet plume aerosol” effect, and lots of it.While these toilet fairies will land on every surface of your bathroom, it’s the toothbrush that draws the most attention, for the obvious reason that you put it in your mouth twice a day. Typical advice is to keep your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible, but is there really such a thing as “far enough away” in a situation like this? (Pro tip: Whatever you do, close the lid of your toilet when you flush it.)Here’s one high-tech solution: Sterilize your toothbrush every time you use it, using the power of ultraviolet light, which has a...


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