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Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin

0 271
PAGE SIX WAUSAU DAILY RECORD-HERA LD. WAUSAU. WISCONSIN MONDAY EVENING, JULY 2G. 1028 done everything within their power, since the close OUR BOARDING HOUSE VAUSAU DAILY RECORD-HERALD By Ahem of the world war, to make America hated by Europe. Published very afternoon except Sunday at JlS-Sli Scott Street, Wausau.If t-urope does hate America, however, for what ever reason, the opponents of the world court Til EECORD-HEBALD COMTA3IT L. STliKTEVAXT. Editor and Publisher PAmCAkE-9 1 should stop worrying about the matter, and get a little rest o' nights. Nations that hate the United States certainly will not ratify this country's mem TvWjgffi S'M-M-rA- XATIOSAL RKFBKSEKTATIVESl Prudden, Kmc Prudden, 27D Madison Now Tork Glob Building, Boston Ster Building, Chicago S07 Montgomery San Frandsco; Chamber et Commerce Building, Lo Angeles; Leary Bulldire, Seattle. bership in the world court, with all the reservations tacked to the resolution hy the senate reservations Arl wiovd VJUAT ICAkK vinvlM...


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