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Serial Designation N/Quotes

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in:Quotes< Serial Designation NView sourceHistoryTalk (0)OverviewGalleryQuotesContents1 Season 11.1 Pilot1.2 Heartbeat1.3 The Promening1.4 Cabin Fever1.5 Home1.6 Dead End1.7 Mass Destruction1.8 Absolute End1.9 The Beginning Of The End TeaserSeason 1Pilot"Did you just slap me with that arm?"―After Uzi slaps N in the face using a severed arm."-Yeah sorry, it's just my head kinda hurts."―N, mentioning how his head hurts when it literally got blasted off."Hey, are you new to our squad?"―N asking Uzi a question while still not being able to identify her."You're a little, uh, short for a Disassembly Drone..."―N being suspicious about Uzi's height, as he still can't identify her yet."I'm Serial Designation N, nice to meet you!"―N's introduction to Uzi."I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city."―Ditto."That's not true, everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible."―Ditto."Wait! I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits..."―And some more ditto."Well, honesty is the best policy."―Ev...


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