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Annie Yu was able to turn internship into a career in a top 10 market

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Annie Yu always wanted a career in television, and she knew that earning a degree would be the first step on her path. Immigrating to the United States from South Korea in 1985, Yu would have to overcome obstacles like tuition costs and navigating through an unknown higher education environment. She was also concerned about leaving home and not being available to work with her parents in their Washington, D.C., carryout restaurant. "We were very close. The thought of going away to college frightened me because my parents relied on me," Yu said. "I'm the child of immigrants, and their English wasn't great. They needed my help."Yu's solution came in the form of a scholarship to George Mason University, alleviating tuition costs and allowing Yu to commute to campus from her family’s home in Virginia. "Having such a great university in our backyard was the best option for someone like me. It all worked out," she said. "I landed at George Mason, and I have zero regrets."Today, Yu anchors WU...


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