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Newsletter | October 2024

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Trust this finds you all well. The month has flown by so fast – where to I have no idea. So not much to report on.

We have been busy completing the pump house where the generator has been installed and everything is wired up and ready for action. We still have some touching up on our pipework and filters.

The green keeper and staff have been busy touching up around the Greens which is an ongoing task. Please we request when driving your Golf Cart – not to drive within 10 meters of the Greens.

Hollow Tinning the Greens is now complete, the staff will now begin with the hollow tinning of the fairways and Tee Boxes. All in all, our course is looking good.

Our Ladies hosted their Open Day on the 19th September. I was asked to address them before they went on their way. It was my great pleasure to do so, gathering all the Lady Players on the practice Putting Green before driving off to the respective holes and for me to drive around the course during play to ensure all was well with them. From the ladies I spoke with everyone was happy and enjoyed the day and our Course. The Prize Giving and Dinner was excellent with plenty of compliments on the Food – well done to Alfie and his team for producing a delicious meal. A special thank you to the Ladies Committee for putting together an exceptional and professional Day.


An Athlete won’t judge you for working out

A Millionaire won’t judge you for starting a Business

A Musician won’t judge you for trying to sing a song

It’s always the people going nowhere that find something to criticize!

Happy Golfing

Billy O’Brien

We welcome the following new members

  • Sven Magnussen
  • Lourens Serfontein
  • Paul Van Der Merwe
  • Liam Twine
  • Brett McBean
  • Chris Louwrens

Monthly Golf Fixtures & Results

From the Desk of the Lady Captain

Another Month gone, more cold rainy days and hollow tinning done we abrase October with warmth and plenty of Golf to play.

We welcome Dee Wheeler back to our fold after living in England for the past few years. We look forward to you joining us on Tuesdays Dee.

We held our Annual Open Day on 19 Sept with many players from other clubs joining us. We thank our main sponsor Pam Golding Properties for their continued support. A great day enjoyed by all.

As we are winding down to the end of the Year please take note of a few dates to put in your calendar: more info on our very popular Christmas mixed will be distributed soon. You can book direct through our Pro Shop.

Information on our Year End Dinner will also be distributed in due course.


In closing I would like to send a message to all that are going through tough times. I don’t want to name personally, but you know if you are.

Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and I know words come easy, but we do care and want to be there for you.

We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials & tribulations.  No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life. One thing that we can do for each other is to SUPPORT one another.

The waters of comfort cannot run up the Hills of Pride; they fall down into the Valleys of Humility”

Look Forward to catching up on Tuesday 8 October.

Judy Rae Teixeira
Lady Captain



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