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How I Send Lessons With V1 COACH

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Written by Brendon Elliot


Hey there, V1 Community! I just wanted to share how the V1 COACH app has completely changed the way I coach many of my students. It’s made giving tailored feedback and support so much easier and more efficient. Let me take you through how I use this awesome app with my students.

When my students send me videos through their V1 GOLF App to my V1 COACH app, I get an email and push notification. Then, I open the V1 COACH app and head to the video section to review their videos. Since they’re my students, I always accept their videos and start the analysis.

The V1 COACH app allows me to add a personal touch to my coaching. I make sure the video is recorded correctly, check their setup, grip, and posture, and then look at their technique using the app’s tools for comparisons and annotations. After that, I use the app’s recording feature to provide a personalized commentary. I start by greeting the student, acknowledging their hard work, and then dive into specific aspects of their technique that need improvement.

Once I’ve recorded the commentary, I add a description to the video, summarizing the key points and highlighting areas for the student to focus on. This personalized video feedback helps me communicate effectively with my students and guide them in their improvement.

The latest update to the V1 COACH app has added a new chat section, which has been a great addition. This feature allows me to chat directly and instantly with my students, providing a seamless way for them to ask questions, seek clarification, and receive ongoing support.

With the chat feature, I can initiate conversations, making it convenient to provide real-time feedback and guidance. It has really strengthened the coach-student relationship and ensured that my students feel supported throughout their learning journey.

The chat section also allows me to share additional resources, such as articles, videos, and practice drills, directly within the chat interface, enriching my students’ learning experience.

The V1 COACH app has not just changed how I coach but has also transformed my students’ learning environment. Its intuitive tools and features have significantly enhanced the quality of my feedback, inspiring real improvements in my students’ performance.


Want to learn more about how you can use V1 COACH?

Click here to schedule a personalized demo.




PGA Professional Brendon Elliott is a multiple award-winning Golf Professional based in Central Florida. He is the 2017 PGA of America’s National Youth Player Development Award Winner and is the recipient of more than 25 other industry awards with a focus on Coaching & Education. He is considered by his peers as an industry expert on topics ranging from Jr. Golf Development to Operations to Industry Sustainability. He is the founder of the Little Linksters Golf Academies and the Little Linksters Association for Junior Golf Development, a 501c3 nonprofit also based out of Central Florida. Brendon is also a freelance golf writer for, Golf Range Magazine and several other golf websites and blogs. He is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America. You can learn more about Brendon at and Little Linksters at


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