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Milk Chocolate Buttercream Frosting - Comfortably Domestic

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Milk chocolate buttercream frosting is the perfect chocolate lover’s topping for any cake, cupcake, or brownie. It’s light, fluffy, and so irresistibly delicious, you canskip the cake and eat it rightoff of a spoon!I’ve been dreaming about milk chocolate buttercream since I first whipped up thatWhite Chocolate Buttercreamfor Son #1′s birthday last year. The kid loves white chocolate, so I had to come up with something special just for him. I had no idea that the recipe would become the most sought after recipe on my blog. Who knew?Popularity aside, I am a steadfast Milk Chocolate Girl. I just love the stuff! So much so, that I always have at least one 6-pack of Hershey’s bars in the house in case of emergencies. The satisfying simplicity of milk chocolate can’t be beaten with a stick, I tell ya!I should know, because I ate many a wooden spoonful of milk chocolate buttercream during the recipe development process. This frosting is so light and creamy that it’s practically like eating a...


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