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Soft Sourdough Dinner Rolls Recipe

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Jump to RecipeSoft Sourdough Dinner Rolls - is there anything better to sit on the side of your dinner plate? These rolls are the softest sourdough bread rolls ever and they will become a staple at your house (especially if you have kids who like soft squishy bread). They are free from commercial yeast and egg.You might also like to try these sourdough discard rolls or these sourdough skillet rolls with honey thyme butter.What if I told you that your sourdough starter can not only make amazing loaves of crusty sourdough bread - it can also produce these soft sourdough dinner rolls! Squishy, soft, slightly sweet centres surrounded by a soft, golden crust. Perfect simply buttered but begging to be filled with your favorite meats and cheeses these sourdough bread rolls are sure to be a crowd pleaser at your house.You can choose to make them whatever size you'd like. I find that this recipe makes around 12 rolls at 80g (I use a scale to ensure they are all the same size but you don't have...


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