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Coach Self, Coach Leipold stop by Topeka Jayhawk Club's golf tournament

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TOPEKA (KSNT) - The Topeka Jayhawk Club got a visit from two Jayhawk head coaches at their 22nd annual golf tournament on Monday.

KU head football coach Lance Leipold and head men's basketball coach Bill Self joined 29 groups of golfers at the pre-tournament luncheon for the Otto Schnellbacher Classic at Shawnee Country Club. Both coaches visited with members and answered questions about their upcoming seasons.

"We're pumped up about what's coming next" club president Margo Leonard said. "Football will be starting before too long and basketball, and it's great to see the coaches again."

Coach Self has been attending the tournament every year during the two decades he's been at Kansas, and Leipold has been doing the same since arriving in Lawrence.

"They're the ones that are at the airport when we fly in and out of Topeka that are there to congratulate us or wish us well," Leipold said. "They've been loyal, and it's always great to come to Topeka and get a chance to visit with them."

The tournament is named after longtime Topeka Jayhawk Club member Otto Schnellbacher.

"I got to know Otto when I first got here obviously and he's a KU legend," Self said. "And Topeka Jayhawk Club has always done a great job supporting us, so it's great to get out here."


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