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Pressure Cooker Sausage and Beans Recipe

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This easy Pressure Cooker Sausage and Beans recipe isanabsolutely awesome mealthat tastes like it simmered all day but actually it took only 35mins to be ready on the table.Hello, guys!I really hope you all are having a great week so far. I’ve been very busy walking around the city with my family and enjoying the last few days with them as much as I can before they go back to Brazil. I am only cooking very easy meals since every single extra minute in the kitchen means less time with the people I most love in my life.This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please visit my disclosure pagehere.I chose to make beans because we (Brazilians) love to eat beans almost every day for lunch like this Quick Easy Bean Salad. I added sausage because it is a great combo with beans and delicious rice. This Pressure Cooker Sausage and Beans recipe is easy to make and it’s full of flavor. I love to make my beans recipes in a pressure cooker because everything cooks incredibly fast, es...


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