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Don't Poison Santa! Make This Healthy Sugar Cookie Recipe Instead

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By Food Babe 157 I posted this photo below on facebook the other day and it caused quite a stir!Don’t poison santa (and yourself) with these cookie brands with terrible ingredients… whether you choose Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Nestle or store brands like Great Value – you can almost be guaranteed they have GMOs linked to infertility, allergies, and cancer, trans fats that cause 8,000 deaths per year and 20,000 heart attacks, aluminum linked to Alzheimer’s disease, and/or very controversial artificial ingredients made from petroleum that are contaminated with carcinogens.Luckily you don’t need to buy these ingredients or brands to have fun this season. This healthy sugar cookie recipe below will get you through the holidays! You can roll out the dough and make shapes or just simple round cookies, it’s totally up to you.If you decide to decorate your cookies be sure to choose ingredients that do not contain artificial food dyes linked to hyperactivity, allergies and asthma. Dyes fromIndi...



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