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My 15 Minute Gluten Free and Vegan Sweet Potato Satay Curry Recipe

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Mygluten free and vegan sweet potato satay curry recipe is creamy and spicy with beautiful sweet potato hiding in there too. But best of all? You can cook it in just 15 minutes!Yep, it’s Veganuary and even if you’re a meat-eater at heart, I think we can all appreciate a hearty, warming meal that cooks in under 15 minutes, can’t we? Time saved on cooking just makes everything taste better in my opinion! But I promise you this: whether you’re meat-eater or not, you’ll love my gluten free and vegan sweet potato satay curry recipe…So what’s the secret to rustling up this recipe so quickly? Well, it’s mainly because there’s no meat to cook!(that basically removes an entire 5 minutes of cooking time and prep time too)So for someone like me with multiple food intolerances who has to cook from scratch every single night… this recipe is pure gold.All you need to do is just make your sauce, simmer it, cook your sweet potato in the microwave, throw them together and you’re done. It really is that...



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