Canoeing and kayaking
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Just a friendly reminder.

Some may know and some may not.
If you buy a used vehicle or vessel, make sure the registration is current or non-op. If not you will get stuck paying the DMV for all the unpaid rears when you make the title change. Really not fair....but hey it's Californication. Punishing one for another's mistakes.
If you buy used, first thing you should look for is the registration current, if not do the math and calculate all the back years dmv registration fees were not paid and adjust sales price.
That good deal you thought you were getting might not look so sweet when you are done with the DMV could add up to hundreds of dollars you didn't expect. Peace out✌️.


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Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water's Edge
Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water's Edge
Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water's Edge

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