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Pro wrestler uses ‘years of grappling’ to rescue woman hanging off bridge


British-Canadian pro wrestler Davey Boy Smith Jr. rescued a woman who was hanging off a Calgary bridge on Sunday

A pro wrestler credited his “years of grappling” experience for his rescue of a suicidal woman in Calgary, Alberta on Sunday. Harry Smith, better known as Davey Boy Smith Jr., said in a Facebook post Monday that he was driving along a street and noticed a woman crying and hanging off a bridge. He decided to stop driving and help.

Smith Jr. reportedly approached the woman to try to talk to her, but she threatened to jump off the bridge if he got any closer. The British-Canadian pro wrestler added the woman was “an emotional mess.”

“I decided to grab a hold of her and not take any chances,” Smith Jr. said on social media. “She started to slide and want to go more as I grabbed a hold her.”

The New Japan Pro-Wrestling product said his jiu-jitsu skills were a big help in the rescue.

“Luckily (from) my years of grappling and self-defense I knew how to grab her hard and how to pull her up from hanging off and jumping,” the nephew of Bret Hart said. “I knew not to grab her clothing because she would have ripped through it.

“When I yanked her off the bridge finally, I established the mount position as you do in grappling and did not let her budge.”

Per Smith Jr., the woman said she had a gun on her, so he did not want to take any chances. Smith Jr. confirmed in a later Twitter post that she did not end up being armed.

Smith Jr. waited for police to arrive until letting the woman free.

“Life is a precious thing, folks,” Smith Jr. said. “Never take it for granted.”

Per Global News, police confirmed the situation as Smith Jr. told it. Officers reported that the woman was arrested on a mental health warrant and taken to a local hospital.


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