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YouTube Gold: A History Of Every NBA Team

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Larry Bird and Magic Johnson battle for position under the net

This is fun

The NBA is has been around since 1949 and it has become thoroughly woven into the sporting world. The teams seem stable now but the reality is that some teams have come and gone (although a long time ago), many have moved and quite a few have changed names. The Boston Celtics have been in Boston from day one, but the Los Angeles Lakers started in Minneapolis, in case you ever wondered why a team in a desert by the ocean is called the Lakers.

You may be surprised to learn how often the Atlanta Hawks moved before heading south. And it’s weird to think that the Detroit Pistons started as the Fort Wayne Pistons.

This video runs down the history of each franchise and some of them are really surprising. Locally, don’t expect much from either version of the Charlotte Hornets.

If you care about basketball history in general though, a lot of this is pretty interesting stuff.


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