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What are Northwestern students’ basketball hot takes?

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Basketball season is entering the final stretch of its 2024-25 season and it is no secret how passionate Northwestern students are about their fellow Wildcat teams. That, and their strong opinions about them too. NBN went around asking students at a men’s basketball game what their Northwestern basketball hot takes are.

Olivia: Hi guys, I’m Olivia.

Mariana: And I’m Mariana, and we’re here at Welsh-Ryan Arena with NBN.

Olivia: And we are going to ask students what their Northwestern basketball hot take is.

Mariana: Let’s go.

Olivia: Alright, what is your name?

Andrew: My name’s Andrew.

Olivia: And what is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Andrew: Hot take, I think Matt Nicholson might be our best player.

Olivia: And why is that?

Andrew: No one can score on him. He puts his hands up, he’s grabbing rebounds. He’s getting blocks, like when he’s on the floor, our team is unstoppable on defense.

Olivia: Alright, thank you.

Mariana: We’re here with…

Isaiah: Isaiah.

Mariana: What is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Isaiah: Gus Hurlbert is a better big man than Keenan Fitzmorris.

Olivia: Alright, what is your name?

Amelia: I’m Amelia.

Olivia: And what is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Amelia: Keenan Fitzmorris needs more time on the court.

Olivia: Okay, thank you.

Olivia: Alright, what is your name?

Breck: Breck Dunbar.

Olivia: And what is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Breck: Nick Martinelli is my celebrity hall pass.

Olivia: Okay! (Laughter)

Mariana: We’re here with…

Dylan: Dylan Friedland.

Mariana: What is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Dylan: It’s not that hot of a take. Wildside’s the best student section in the Big Ten.

Olivia: Okay, what is your name?

Andre: I’m Andre.

Olivia: What is your Northwestern basketball hot take?

Andre: I don’t like Ty Berry that much.

Olivia: And why not?

Andre: I don’t know, I’m not with his vibe, you know?

Olivia: Alright, thank you.

Mariana: We’re here with…

Anita: Anita.

Mariana: What is your Northwestern men’s basketball hot take?

Anita: So you know the people who make those balloon dogs, like the balloons they give us? Can we get a moment for them? Can there be a competition for them? I think they deserve more recognition for the work that they do.

Mariana: Thank you.


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