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NLSC Podcast #567: Where Do We See NBA 2K in Five Years?

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From courtside of the virtual hardwood, it’s Episode #567 of the NLSC Podcast!

At the suggestion of one of our listeners, this week we’re breaking out the proverbial crystal ball to gaze into the future, and discuss what we think NBA 2K – and video games in general, for that matter – will be like in five years. This includes our expectations for innovations in gameplay, graphics, and modes, as well as fairness to gamers and the possibility that NBA 2K will finally have competition again at some point, be it NBA Live or another title. We also touch on the idea that consoles will be replaced by a Netflix-like streaming service for games, VR, and some other predictions regarding the future of gaming.

To get involved with the mailbag or to provide any feedback on the show, hit us up in the comments, reach out on social media, or post here in the NLSC Forum! For more information on the NLSC Podcast including episode guides, check out this page in our Wiki. You can also find the show on our YouTube channel, along with the rest of our video content. As always, thanks for tuning in, and go get buckets!

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