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This MMA fighter having his proposal rejected in the octagon is more brutal than any K.O

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This man had his proposal rejected AND got called out for cheating.

One of the most brutal things to ever happen in an octagon occurred in the Czech Republic over the weekend when fighter Lukas Bukovaz decided to propose to his girlfriend immediately after his fight. You don’t need to understand Czech to know this went horrifically.

Bukovaz just finished competing in the Clash of the Stars tournament, losing the fight — but he had hoped to make the night memorable in front of 20,000 people. Instead he was left in horror as his girlfriend not only rejected his proposal while he was down on one knee, but told the world that the fighter had been unfaithful to her.

“Based on everything that’s happened, I think not. I don’t think so.”

She then went on to tell everyone that Bukovaz had been cheating on her, a claim which the fighter denies. It left the crowd “oooing” and “aahing” like an episode of Jerry Springer, while all he could do was take another beating in the span of two minutes.

This is 100 percent on the fighter here. He broke the two cardinal rules of a proposal:

  1. Be absolutely confident your significant other is going to say yes
  2. Never, even propose in public

I’d rather be knocked out to avoid the embarrassment.


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