Need help fixing 4wd in 94 S10 pickup I bought
It's a 94 S10, auto transmission, 4.3L vortec v6 engine, push button 4wd.
I'm driving down the road and push the 4Hi button to go into 4wd. Nothing happens. No lights on the switch. No click from the TCCM Nothing. I pull over and put it in neutral and push and hold the 4 hi button. It blinks 5 times there's a click from what I assume is the TCCM and a mechanical gear shifting sound under the pickup. All the lights on the 4wd switch are lit. The 4Hi, 4LO & 2Hi. As soon as I put it into drive the lights go out and I'm not in 4wd. I've done the same procedure going from 2Hi to 4Lo and 4Lo to 2Hi and every combination in between. The exact same thing happens every time. Except when I hold the 2Hi button it only flashes 4 times. It flashes 5 times for 4LO and 4Hi.
HERE is what I've tried:
I checked the actuator. It looks good. No rips or holes. I haven't figured out how to check to see it sucking vacuum. It's under the battery and tray and it needs to be running to pull vacuum.
I unplugged the TCCM and plugged it back in. I replaced the push button switch with a new one. After writing it out it doesn't sound like I've tried much, but I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to try next.
I'm driving down the road and push the 4Hi button to go into 4wd. Nothing happens. No lights on the switch. No click from the TCCM Nothing. I pull over and put it in neutral and push and hold the 4 hi button. It blinks 5 times there's a click from what I assume is the TCCM and a mechanical gear shifting sound under the pickup. All the lights on the 4wd switch are lit. The 4Hi, 4LO & 2Hi. As soon as I put it into drive the lights go out and I'm not in 4wd. I've done the same procedure going from 2Hi to 4Lo and 4Lo to 2Hi and every combination in between. The exact same thing happens every time. Except when I hold the 2Hi button it only flashes 4 times. It flashes 5 times for 4LO and 4Hi.
HERE is what I've tried:
I checked the actuator. It looks good. No rips or holes. I haven't figured out how to check to see it sucking vacuum. It's under the battery and tray and it needs to be running to pull vacuum.
I unplugged the TCCM and plugged it back in. I replaced the push button switch with a new one. After writing it out it doesn't sound like I've tried much, but I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to try next.