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A busy weekend on the GAC field

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If you come down to the GAC field this weekend, there’s a lot going on!

Saturday 25th May
GAC Archery Taster Session

GAC taster session for archery archers on line

Our second Taster Session is fully booked, which is great news! So there will be 40 people discovering how amazing archery is this afternoon between 1pm and 3pm.

We’re looking for just three extra Helpers to make them welcome, and help with the practicalities including setting up (easy), taking down (even easier) and chatting to those waiting in line (the best bit!).

So if you are free between 12:00pm-3:30pm, just sign up on the Taster Volunteer page as usual, and/or just turn up!

Sunday 26th May
Sunday Target Day 10am – 12.30pm (ish)

We are reintroducing Sunday Nationals, with the first shoot happening this Sunday. They are similar to the normal Sunday Target Days but with more structure, and more importantly someone to run things and get us all organised. (Thank you Sue Watson!)

Nationals are a great round to shoot because there are distances suited to all abilities, starting at 30 yards for newbies and going up to 100 yards for the incredibly brave! Everyone shoots 8 ends of 6 arrows at the first longer distance followed by 4 ends of 6 arrows at the nearer distance. That’s 72 arrows in total, plus a single end of sighters at the start.

Just sign up in the usual way

Monday 27th May
Team Surrey Shoot

Team Surrey (the University team) will be hosting competitions here at GAC using the lanes closer to the club house (1-15). The range area on the left is open for all members as usual. Be aware this is a popular student shoot and their sheer energy and enthusiasm for archery can be seriously infectious!

Enjoy your weekend!



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