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Next Sunday has something for everyone!

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Next Sunday (1st September) we are shooting our annual Head-to-Head competition and having our delayed summer party.


HEAD TO HEAD – Assemble 11.00 for 11.30 sighters
This is the sort of archery that is done at international and Olympic level, but made more suitable for the mix of ages and experience atGAC through the careful choice of distances and target face sizes ensured that everyone had a similar level of challenge and all able to shoot competitively against each other.

There will be a 3-dozen arrow round shot first to provide rankings, from which the first round head-to-head matches are worked out. The distance and size of target face that you shoot will depend on your age, bowstyle and experience.

After that, there will be a knock-out format of head-to-head matches, shot in ‘sets’. Both archers shoot 3 arrows in 2 minutes which are then scored – with 2 points awarded for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss. The first archer to reach 6 points is the winner! If the scores are tied at 5 all, there is a one arrow shoot-off with archer with the arrow nearest the centre winning.

It may sound a bit confusing, but everything will be explained on the day and it is good fun and gives you just a little taste of what it is like to be an Olympic archer!

As people are knocked out, everyone is encouraged to get behind the archers still shooting and cheer them on!

Image result for summer of 69

SUMMER PARTY – Starting at 3.00
During the knock-out part of the competition and afterwards, we will be having our late summer party.

ALL are invited to the party, whether you have been in the Head to Head or not – if you are not competing, then just come along at about 3.00 and join us!

There will be some archery activities for those that would like to shoot, including a Wand shoot and Jellybow clout, and we will have some longbows available for those that would like to try their hand at something more traditional.

The barbecue will be out and available for anyone who would like to bring something to cook, and there will be music and a quiz on the theme of ‘The Summer of 69’ Inspired by- Moon landings, Woodstock, Music and Flower Power!

The Club will provide all of the shooting equipment needed, soft drinks, tea and coffee and some light refreshments, but the party will be much more fun, if everyone can bring something to share.

Suggestions include: salads, savoury snacks, pies and pastries, cakes, buns, fruit, sweet treats and biscuits, but anything that you might make or buy would be fantastic.

If members would like, the barbecue can be made available to cook things that you bring.

In order to help us with the planning, it would be super-helpful if you could visit the Doodle poll and let us know if you are coming.




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